First legionnaires, Squadron fans, Metalheads, denizens of the Subterranean Reich, undead of London. The time has finally arrived to stand up and be counted - this time IN A PROPAGANDA VIDEO!
Yes that is right mortals. You can be in the same room as the undead without paying. handsomely for the privilege! THERE MAY EVEN BE BEER..... All we require is that you raise your fists and bang your heads at the appropriate moment..... Tell everyone.. Bring your friends. Bring your enemies. Bring undead. Bring stuff for us to sign. Wear your Squadron costumes.. Bring virgins.....
The propaganda video in question is intended to finally, finally herald the release of the long-delayed Squadron track PIT OF FIRE.. The venue will be in London and the date will be Saturday 28th April. Rumours that the video will include a guest appearance by SIR GRAVEGHOUL TERRORSOUND cannot be denied at present. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES PLEASE TELEGRAM US AT .