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SQUADRONEERS! After painstaking deliberation, extremely hard work and eleven long years, the SECOND OFFICIAL STUKA SQUADRON album will be available for purchase on 15 December 2023. Yes ... that's less than three weeks hence ....

In terms of HOW TO PURCHASE 'ZEPPELIN', those details are to follow. IN THE MEANTIME the first video ahead of release will appear within the next few days .... In addition look out for videos from our special guests, which we will start to publish shortly.

ZEPPELIN consists of 13 tracks of blistering metal and is a concept album based on REAL EVENTS which occurred in World War II ... and of course .... as time reverses for our heroes .... World War I ....

The Track Listing is as follows:

Totenmarsch - Anthem of the Subterranea - Our anthem, with a narration by Strange

Pit of Fire - The 'Fiery Pit' is the prison where former Squadron members are chained for eternity. The song chronicles events leading from the end of 'Tales of the Ost' and into the events on 'Zeppelin'.

The Last Valkyrie - The song celebrates the definitely genuine warrior women of the Viking age, and what became of the gods' immortal soul harvesters over the succeeding centuries, indeed unto the present day.

Tiger II - This one is written from our own memories. We choose to share with you the sheer glory of the Tiger II tank - particularly when the tracks are employed against hordes of ravening undead!

It Is Him - A recording from inside the headquarters of General Heinz Guderian as he is briefed on The Undead Terror. Luckily, salvation is at hand.

One Man Blitzkrieg - An anthem for the ages. The tank you deploy when you can only send organic matter ... He's a living panzer ....

Montague Summers - "A madman as dangerous as he is brilliant" (Chips Channon). The old fraud decides to chase down some 'real' vampires ... and ends up in 'real' trouble ...

Warriors of the Undead - More recordings, this time on wax cylinder from way back in World War I. Graf Zeppelin employs some dark allies sent back from the future to combat an old adversary. With added hydrogen.

Zeppelin - Again from memory, celebrating the courage of those who willingly went to war in a giant tube filled with highly flammable hydrogen ... This time with added Rasputin ...

The Weeper - All of the songs on 'Zeppelin' celebrate real events, in this case the tale of a soul tied to a skeleton buried deep beneath a willow tree and horrors that unfold beneath the earth... Featuring Meltem as The Tree Spirit..

Destroyer of Worlds - The Destroyer of Worlds is of course Rasputin himself ... trapped in time and using sorcery to influence events then, now and in the future. For Rasputin is not mortal ... but ... other ...

Our Bloody Ragnarok - Of course we in Stuka Squadron aren't having any of that! We track Rasputin to his Arctic lair ... and there things go somewhat awry ... Featuring Moog as Rasputin!

Angel of Mons - Forced onto the Front Line in World War I, one of our heroes encounters The Angel Of Mons, as described by The Daily Mail ... and finds that the paper was characteristically economical with the truth ...



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